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  • Writer's pictureJuliet

Raising money for Breast Cancer Charity

You may or may not know that October was Breast Cancer awareness month - although of course this is something we need to be aware of always as statistics show that currently 1 in 2 of us will be affected by some form of cancer in our lives - shocking and indeed very scary.

Sadly my young daughter in law was diagnosed with breast cancer in September and has now started her journey to recovery with her first chemo session last week. There is such a feeling of helplessness when you receive this news from someone so close to you, of course I can offer all the emotional and physical support and walk beside her on this journey, but I wanted to also be able to offer something constructive. After speaking with my daughter in law we decided to raise some funds for the BUST charity - Breast-cancer Unit Support Trust who support the Breast Care Centre at Southmead Hospital as she had been seen there along with a number of my friends also. They are a small but mighty charity consisting of volunteers who are themselves former Breast Care Centre patients and a retired Consultant Surgeon and in the 30 years they have been fundraising they have raised over 2 million pounds for medical equipment to help in the diagnosis and treatment of breast abnormalities in women (and men) in Bristol and the surrounding areas.

So during October I pledged to donate half of all ticket sales from my Gong/Sound Immersions to this charity and am pleased to say that at the beginning of November I was able to transfer £300.00 over to them! I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you that came to an event in October as you helped make this possible, and I also wanted to send all my love to anyone on this journey themselves or who is supporting someone that is. Remember you are strong and you have got this!

In love always,

Juliet x

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